Wow! It's been a long time since my last post. I think I need one of those gadgets they advertise on TV that let you speak into the computer instead of type. Ideas for posts run through my mind all the time. I even "write" them in my head. Unfortunately, that doesn't always translate to the blog.
If you'll give me a penny, I'll tell you some of my thoughts. No penny? That's okay. We're buds and I'll tell you anyway.
Did you know: if you have heartburn, you should lay on your left side. This helps your stomach empty faster, so whatever is causing the problem gets gone quicker. I also do this when my stomach's upset and it really helps. This is a good tip for me, because lately it seems everything I eat makes me sick to my stomach--spicy stuff, sugar, everything. And, no, I'm not pregnant. That is physically impossible and has been since 1982!
Cold weather stinks! While I love the seasons, I hate being cold. It's 23 degrees here this morning! Yesterday when we left for church, it was only 10! Supposedly, it's going to warm up later in the week. I think I want to be a weatherman--excuse me, meteorologist. That's the only job I know where you can be completely wrong again and again and still keep your job.
January is my least favorite month. After the rush and drama of the holidays, January is a letdown. All the pretty Christmas stuff gets put away and I am almost always dissatisfied with my house. Last week I could have happily tossed 95% of the furniture and stuff in my house and started over.
Have you seen the new show on Style Network called "What I Hate About Me"? The participant lists 10 things about themselves they'd like to change--physically or a characteristic--and the show helps them make those changes. I watched it the other day and it made me wonder what I'd change if I went on the show. While there are some things, I honestly couldn't think of 10. That made me feel better about myself.
One thing I would change is how I look at that blasted glass--the one that's either half empty or half full. Most of the time, my glass is half empty. Tell me about your glass. Empty? Full? How do you keep it full? Inquiring minds need to know.