3 - the number of hours I worked in the yard today
12- the number of square feet of creeping phlox/crabgrass I dug up
1 - the number of wasps I fought and defeated
6 - the number of cars that ran the stop sign in front of my house while I was out there
1 - the number of Easter eggs I found (I could tell by what was inside that it was from two years ago!)
2 - the number of times I had to sit in the shade and cool off
2 - the number of items I spray painted for the porch
2 - the number of Dews I drank whilst working
3,232,534,232,543,860 - the number of times I bit my tongue to keep from cussing the crabgrass
8,233,564,776,788,434 - the number of drops of sweat off my nose
1 huge - the number of pieces of key lime pie I'm eating as I post this