1. What is your favorite bagel flavor? I'm not a big fan of bagels--it's like chewing on a piece of cardboard. The best ones I've had were the mini blueberry ones.
2. If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on? Summer clothes--somehow or another, most of my capris and shorts shrunk over the winter...
3. What is the last thing that you felt guilt about doing? As my kids used to say--getting all up in someone else's cornflakes!
4. Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped? Hand dipped!
5. Are you allergic to anything? Honey bees--other bees don't bother me, but being stung by honey bees makes me swell up like you wouldn't believe. A few years ago, I disturbed a hive and was stung 4 or 5 times and it didn't affect me like before, so maybe I've become immune.

You know Beverly its funny how clothes tend to shrink when we have put them away over winter ;)mine do that too!
If you lived in Northern NJ I think you'd change your mind about bagels...having lived in other parts of the country I can say they are not great anywhere but the Northeast.
I love your expression-I'm going to borrow that one!
love your picture for the guilty question. I call my husband Gladys because he's always up in all the neighbors 'cornflakes'
Don't you just hate it when your clothes shrink while they're in the closet?
I agree with you about Bagels.
Actually the best bagels are not bagels at all they are DONUTS!!
There must be something wrong with capris and shorts nowadays, mine are doing to exact same thing, LOL!
Love your blog, following now...
I'm with you on bagels - I don't understand why people eat them. It's like chewing rubber bands. I'll take a donut, or English muffin, or a biscuit or a plain ole' piece of toast - any day!!
You know, my clothes did the same darn thing! LOL
I hope you are becoming immune to bee stings- that can be really bad!
OUch, that many stings...my daughter just had her first bee sting of the year and she was INSIDE when it happened. Poor thing!
Whew, I thought I was the only one who had that problem with their clothes shrinking over the winter! Why isn't someone doing something about that?? LOL...
It's hard for me to understand the comments about bagels being "yucky" - I live in NY and maybe they really do make them better here 'cause I've never had one that tasted like cardboard. I do know, however, that we have the best pizza here. *wink* :-)
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