It doesn't really do any good to wish. Or to think about the "what ifs" and "if onlys". But sometimes you just can't help it. Call me spoiled--you won't be the first--but I want what I want when I want it. And if the truth were told, most people are probably that way. I know there's supposed to be opposition in all things. How can we appreciate the good without having some bad along the way? Don't we appreciate the sunshine more after a period of rain? If life was all rainbows and lollipops all the time, we wouldn't grow or learn or gain the experience we're here for.
Yep, my head knows all these things. But my heart strains against it. My heart doesn't want to stretch and grow. At least not this way.
So here's my wish list, for what it's worth:
I wish my daughter and her husband could have worked out their differences and stayed together. I wish my daughter didn't have to be an overwhelmed, tired single mother. I wish my grandchildren weren't going across the country to live--probably permanently. I wish my granddaughter wasn't going to have to attend her 5th school next fall when she starts 5th grade. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better.
I hope I can remain a fixture in the lives of these grandchildren--even though I won't be seeing them nearly as often as in the past. I am so grateful for Skype--and will pay for it if it comes to that. I hope I can give this over to my Heavenly Father and trust that His will is being done. I hope I can learn what He wants me to learn by all this.

Beverly, My kids have almost never lived near my parents, but I'll tell you what, they are a major part of their lives. Packages at every holiday, Phone calls on a regular basis, with special calls on special days. My mom even had me pick up an ice cream cake to celebrate Alex winning the pinewood derby. You can send them cookie grams and flowers, and all that jazz. It's just going to cost more. :-( I am so sad for you, and wish that I could wave the wand too.
Oh Friend, I'm really sorry; this is gonna be quite an adjustment for all concerned. I have some BIG wishes of my own - if only. (((HUGS)))
You have been on my mind a lot lately. I can't imagine how hard that will be to have your grandchildren so far away. Don't you wish that we could fix our childrens problems like we could when they were small? Kiss a boo boo and put a bandaid on it. Like my husband always says, "Little kids, little problems, Big kids, Big problems".
Chin up my friend, we only see the small picture but God sees the bigger one.
Sorry for the pain in all of this. It is hard...I grew up far from my grandparents in geography but they were always close in heart. I'm sure yours will feel the same.
Grown kids bring a different sort of worry into our lives don't they? Hugs to your today...take care!
I am sorry that this is such a hard time for you!!! My parents live out of state to, but they have maintained a great relations with my girls! They skype, write old fashioned letters -Which just makes my girls day! (for that matter when I get a real piece of mail it makes my day!) Also some other great ideas is to record yourself reading a story, then send the cd and book to your grandkids. Also a great idea that I had read is to make a special gift for bdays/christmas etc.. that is like fruit of the month club but it can be anything!! (stuffed animal of the month, earring of the month) that allows you to connect each month with the child, and the child looks forward to hearing from you. I love skype! It allows you to see bad & good haircuts, missing teeth etc... Then my kids go to camp Grandparents for a week each summer. (without me, and they love it!) hope some of these ideas help or spark others that might work for you!!
I'm with you on the wanting what I want when I want it and fretting over the "what ifs".
I can imagine how difficult it's going to be to have your grands so far away ... I'm confident, though, that you'll do whatever it takes to be an important part of their lives ... thanks to Skype, cards, phone calls, etc. It might cost a little more, but as a fellow grandma, we know that it'll be worth it.
I'm praying for you, dear one. {{hug}}
Oh, I'm sure you are heartbroken. My heart goes out to your granddaughter who has been in so many schools already. Hopefully it will make her stronger, and help her to learn with adversity.
Thank goodness for skype!
Though I am not a grandmother yet, I feel you heart ache. I wish that my daughter wasn't moving literally to the other side of the world with her new husband after they marry in a few weeks. I also will learn about Skype...the only problem is that they are awake when I am asleep. You are right though after the hard rains, the difficult times, God always brings some beauty, some joy. May it be that way for both of us.
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