Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So What'd You Do Today?

I went for my annual physical. I use the term loosely because I sometimes skip a year. Okay, okay, two years. Since I'm not getting any younger, I made an appointment and actually kept it today. Fun stuff. Nothing like getting completely naked for a total stranger. Then having every orifice poked and prodded by that same stranger. Guess he wouldn't be such a stranger if I visited him more often, right? Plus they have that scale right there in front of everyone. At least they don't say the number out loud. They also didn't tell me my blood pressure numbers. I thought that was kind of funny, since there was a large poster right on the wall about "knowing your numbers" in regards to blood pressure.

And the fun's not over. I get to have a mammogram and (again because of my age) a--gulp--colonoscopy. Maybe I can do both in the same day. Have my boobs squished, then be (as Cassidy calls it) a "naked bum" for even more strangers!


6L's said...

Beverly, i just love reading your blog...nothing like the cold hard truth, right, lol? good luck with the boob squisher and naked bum! last time i took the kids with me (go figure the week i'm booked was on fall break!)for my yearly and i had to get undressed they asked why i had to wear a gown? levi responded, "b/c nobody wants to see a naked butt!" made me laugh hysterically!! that was definitely their first and last visit, haha!

Marlena said...

Don't you love age?? You would think it gets easier after kids and showing your "goods" to everyone near by, but I guess it doesn't. You look good so don't worry...Get naked and be proud of what ya got!!!!!

Sharon said...

Sooo much too look forward to.
Have you ever had a colonoscopy? I've had 2, that's right 2. Call me and I will tell you all about what happens once the procedure is over and you are back to recovery. Your naked bum won't be the only embarrassing thing happening.

Unknown said...

Maybe I don't want to know--you make it sound ominous. Darrell had one last fall and it didn't seem too bad. Of course, I wasn't in there with him.

queenbee4 said...

ugh. do we HAVE to get older?

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