Please allow me to introduce myself...(sorry, Mick)
Welcome to my blog! You can blame my youngest daughter Lauren for getting me into this!
My name is Beverly--not Bev--and I am a southerner through and through. My husband Darrell and I have shared life together since 1976. We started as a family of two; that turned into six with the additions of our four children. We now number eighteen! We have nine beautiful grandchildren--three girls and six boys!
My interests are wide and varied, and I claim no expertise at any of them. I might be considered sarcastic and smart mouthed, but I like to think I'm quick witted.
Hope you enjoy your visit here and will stop by frequently. And please leave a comment! I need the validation!
hooray! you're home....
I am so glad you are back! Did you find the banana nut bread? Didja huh? Didja? Didja? Well???
Glad you're back ... can't wait to see the pictures!
Yes, of course you were missed. I am just bummed that you didn't drive an extra 800 miles and come for a visit. Jeesh, so close...
Of course I missed you.
hurry up with the photos!!that's a lot of travel to see!
I was wondering where you was... Looking forward to pictutes!
Can't wait to find out where you went and see pictures so I can be jealous!
Yes! I really did miss you! Can't wait to see your pics!
I REALLY did miss you - glad you were doing something FUN!!
YES! i missed ya! looking fwd to hearing and seeing! :) love ya!
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