1. What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly? I'm pretty particular about most things, so it's hard to narrow it down. I do like my bed made up just so with the pillows in their proper places.
2. What is one of your best childhood memories? Sitting on the floor in front of my grandmother while she braided my hair.
3. Do you plan to watch the Royal Wedding and when was the last time you wore a hat? Nope. Not at all interested. The only reason I watched Diana's is because we didn't have cable and I had no choice. Last time I wore a hat was working out in the yard. While I would like to be, I'm not a big hat person.
4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality? On my mother's side, I am the 4th of 8. On my father's side, I'm the youngest and only girl. However, I was raised from the age of 2 by my aunt and uncle and was also the youngest there. I don't think my birth order has influenced who I am.
5. Where do you think you spend most of your money? As in physical place? Walmart. It's close and convenient. Darn it!
6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by email or by letter? Why? I prefer email. It's quick for me and them. I can write a draft and reread or tweak it before sending. That way I've said what I need to say and hopefully in a way that doesn't hurt or offend.
7. Dodge ball, freeze tag, kickball or jump rope? You have to pick one. Kickball. It's one of the few sports involving a ball that I'm actually good at!
8. Insert your own random thought here. Our computer died and we had to get a new one. All my free clipart is gone! Anybody got a good site they can recommend?

What a lovely memory you have of your grandmother!!!
That is a nice grandmom memory : )
I cherish my memories of my grandmother too. I was wondering if anyone besides me was going to put Wal-Mart as the place they spend money. LOL
So sorry that your computer died. I have such a love/hate relationship with computers...it ticks me off that I have become so dependent on it.
sorry about your computer!
I used to love to have my hair braided by my mom.
I need my bed and pillows fixed nicely also. What a fond memory you have of your grandmother.
Enjoy reading your answers to the questions. I will be up and watching the wedding at 2:30am.
I was smiling at #6! I didn't even think about a physical place!
I remember my Grandmother teaching ME to braid and how proud I was when I finally "got it". :-)
I'm sorry to hear about your computer, but I am anxiously waiting for any recommendations for good clip-art sites. ;-)
I recommend you get a USB memory stick and regularly load your files on to it in case of a dead computer or even theft. Keep it in a fire safe box with your other important stuff.
Now that I have said that ask me when the last time I actually saved my stuff was...on second thought don't ask.
Enjoyed your answers and you might want to invest in an external memory drive for your computer and back up the important things you have to it.
I said Wal-Mart too, it seems I go everyday.
Happy weekend!
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