Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Almost Birthday Time!

This Friday will mark Melody's 8th birthday. Hard to believe she's that old already. I remember when she was born and it seems like yesterday. My daughter Holly and her husband had been living with us for several months and had just moved into their own place. It was literally their first night there. David was working second shift, so Holly was home alone. We got a phone call about midnight that she thought she was in labor and had called David. About 2am, we got another call that they were on their way to the hospital. Because of their insura
nce, they had to travel about 30 minutes to another town. Of course, this being my first grandchild, there was no way I was going back to sleep, try as I might. Guess I tossed and turned a lot, because Darrell finally told me to get up and go to the hospital. He had to work the next day and needed his sleep. Grandpas don't seem to get quite as excited as grandmas!

For once in our married life, I did as he asked. I think it was about 5am when I arrived. Apparently, Holly and David hadn't g
otten there too long before I did. They were driving an older car at the time and had a flat tire on the interstate! David got out the spare and it was flat, too! Having just passed an exit, he decided to walk back to the gas station there and buy a can of FixAFlat. Holly didn't want to stay on the side of the highway by herself in the middle of the night, so she went with him. I'm sure all that walking helped her labor along. The poor attendant at the gas station was only about 18 (or so he appeared). When he realized they were on their way to the hospital to have a baby, he wanted them OUT OF THERE and gave them the FixAFlat!

Upon arriving back at the car, they found a stat
e trooper waiting for them. He helped David fix the tire while Holly continued pacing. No one bothered to inform the policeman that she was in labor! He finally noticed and called an ambulance. Holly went to the hospital via ambulance with David following soon after in the repaired car.

Having a baby is quite an experience, but watching your child have a baby is something else entirely! I quite understand now the helpless feeling most husbands must have. There's pretty much nothing you can do. There are probably nurses at that hospital who still bad mouth me!

Melody Cherish arrived about 8am. She was and still is absolutely beautiful. Happy birthday, Miss Mell! I love you!!


Eric and Rozanne said...

What a great story! Poor Holly...sounds like she had quite the trip to the hospital!! Something ya'll will never forget I'm sure!

lagirl said...

Melody is gonna love hearing her "birth story" over & over again, as there was nothing dull or routine about her entrance into this world. LOL

"Happy Birthday, Melody!"

Holly said...

I too can't believe my little Melody is turning 8. I have loved teaching her in Primary. She is such a sweet girl.
She really does remind me of Shana. She has the same sweet spirit that she did.

She is beautiful and a blessing to our life. Happy birthday Melody!

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