Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Welcome to the 36th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"
Thanks, Java, for continuing to do this!  I've found so many interesting people and blogs through this linky!  Hope you'll join in, too.
1.  What are you wearing right now?
My "uniform".  Yoga pants, t shirt, and socks.  Hair in a ponytail.  Colors may vary, but theme stays the same.  Ask me this question in the summer and all I'll do is substitute workout capris for the yoga pants.  Oh, and don't surmise by this attire that I actually workout or do yoga.  But I talk a good game.

 2.  Do you have any freckles?
Do the age spots on the backs of my hands count?
 not my hands--but close


3.  What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?
Butter Rum!  I don't drink, so I feel quite rebellious as I eat them.


4.  What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
Tangled.  Saw it in 3D over Thanksgiving with the grandkids and loved it!  Even if it did cost an arm and a leg, it was worth it to see my two granddaughters reaching out for the floating lanterns that seemed to be right in front of them.


5.  Would you rather live without tv or without music?
I can make my own music, but that there talking box is a mystery and thus something I must stare at endlessly trying to figure out how it works. 


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you know there is a National Day of pretty much everything in the universe? February 23 happens to be National Inconvenience Yourself Day...when was the last time you were inconvenienced?  I guess it was Monday morning when I made a special trip to the bank--only to find it closed for President's Day.  That meant a second trip out yesterday.

2. When a room in your house needs painting who does the job?  Usually me--Darrell hates painting, but will assist under duress.

3. Are you friends with your cousins?  Not as much as I was when we were little and not as much as I'd like to be.

4. Do you use an alarm clock? If yes-is it an actual alarm, music, or something else?  I'm going to say no on this one.  The only day I get up earlier than Darrell is Sunday and I do use an alarm clock then.

5. What do you put ketchup on?  Fries, hot dogs, hamburgers, meat loaf.  When I was a kid, I put ketchup on mashed potatoes, green beans, lima beans, etc.  

6. What smells make you nostalgic?  Baby powder, White Shoulders (that's what I wore in high school)

7. Have you heard about the high school English teacher recently suspended as a result of some things she wrote in her personal blog? You can read the story here but in a nutshell she vented a lot of frustration onto her blog. She didn't mention individual students by name but she did make some harsh comments about kids in general and their parents.

What are your thoughts-If you're a parent is your child's teacher online and are you 'friend' or 'follower' there? If you're a teacher are you on facebook and do you accept or friend students on fb? How about their parents? If you're a student are you friends with your current or former teachers online? Do any of them have blogs you read? If you're a teacher or a parent do you ever use your blog as a place to vent your frustrations with our educational system? So much to discuss...

I'd not heard of this situation until now.  I think she has every right to voice her frustration.  Better to write about it in generic terms than to have a major meltdown in front of students like a couple of local teachers have done over the past year.  Better to blog and vent than to bring a gun to school, or drink, or do drugs to cope.  Perhaps she should have a private blog open only to those she personally invites to read it.  Many seem to think she acted unprofessionally.  I don't agree.  She didn't mention names or talk about any child or family in particular.  She did it on her own time.  Teaching is a hard job--there's not enough money in the world to entice me to take it on.  Give the woman her job back and leave her alone. 
If I were a teacher, I would not be friends with students or parents on Facebook.  And my blog would be private.  Keeping work and personal life separate would be key to my mental health.

8. Insert your own random thought here. My 5-year-old granddaughter has been chosen to be queen of her preschool's Mardi Gras parade next week!  Go, Cassidy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Your favorite chocolate treat?  Wow--that's a hard question.  If we're talking candy bars, it's Milky Way hands down.  Otherwise, I'll say German Chocolate cake.  Oh, great, thanks--now I want cake.

2. What more than anything else makes you feel loved?  Another hard question.  You're making me think today!  I'd have to say my husband getting up and going to work every day--while I get to stay home.

3. Cherries or blueberries?  Never, ever cherries!  Got sick on them as a child and they turn my stomach to this day.  Blueberries--but only if they're baked in muffins.

4. What is the one trait you most want the leader of your country to posess?  Courage.  To do what's right and best, even if it's not the most popular thing.

5. Are you a saver or a spender?  Spender.  Remember that old Richard Pryor movie where he has to spend a certain amount of money in a specified time period?  Yeah, like that would be hard!

6. If you gave a party for all of your friends would they already know each other?  The majority would.

7. Are you interested in antiques?   Oh, yes!  My parents used to drag me to auctions when I was a kid--too bad I didn't pay attention and learn all I could.  I still love to go thrifting--the thrill of the hunt is very exhilarating! 

8. Insert your own random thought here.  Call me a Valentine's Day Scrooge, but isn't it supposed to be about you and your SO?  I've read and heard of several people who go all out for their kids--gifts, flowers, candy, etc.  I used to give my kids small boxes of conversation hearts, but that was it.  They weren't my Valentine--their dad was.  I can see doing small treats for some, but I want to save the big stuff for my sweetheart!  Ah, well, as I like to say when something's not really my business:  it's not my monkey.

Time to 'Fess Up

Confession time! Remember my little game from last week?  I listed five experiences--only one of which was actually true--and you were supposed to choose which one that was.  Only one person was right and she's my daughter, so I should have disqualified her. ;-)  And I had to delete my son's comment, because he gave too much info.  ;-)  Anyway (not anyways), here's the truth.....

1.  Not long after Darrell and I were married, we visited Washington, DC.  While sightseeing around the Smithsonian, I was initiated by a pigeon.  In other words, my navy blue shirt was marked with a long white streak down the back.  False--this happened to a friend of ours on the same trip
2.  While riding the bus home in high school, I spotted a large spider near my foot.  I screamed, jumped up, and hit my head on the top of bus.  Result:  about 7 stitches.  False--this happened to my son (all but the spider part)

3.  When I was about 3, my 4-year-old brother and I got mad about something and decided we would run away from home.  We started off down the street, but didn't get very far before we turned around to see our grandmother coming after us.  With a switch!  We made a beeline back to the house--for all the good it did us!  True!

4.  While vacationing in Gatlinburg, Darrell and I decided to try out the large jacuzzi tub in the corner of the room.  And bubbles seemed like a good idea, too.  What to use?  Hmmm, here's the little bottle of shampoo--let's use that.  It's not making much suds--pour the whole thing in.  Now turn on the jets.   Turn them off!  Turn them off!  False--but this did happen on a trip to Gatlinburg, just to the friends we were traveling with and not us

5.  In high school, I was voted Biggest Flirt.  Thought it was cool at the time, but now I'm not so sure just what that said about me....  False--this was my husband!  And he's still a big flirt!

That was fun!  Keep this in mind when you're stumped for a blog post!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Welcome to the 35th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

All righty, ladies--it's time to put down the Valentines and hop on Java's Monday train.  Let's get busy here!


1. Did you get any Valentine's Gifts?  No and I hope I don't.  Seriously, my husband gives me gifts all the time.  We don't need a specified day to show our love.  I'm not trying to be smug--I'm just very lucky in the husband department!

2. What is your favorite topping on something toasted?  Margarine--not butter.  I figure the more preservatives I eat now, the less they'll need when I die! ;-)

3. Do you pick out your outfit the night before?  Well, I'm usually at home, so there's not much thought involved in jeans and tee shirts.

4. What food item do you absolutely despise?  Seafood--not gonna eat anything that swims!

5. Righty or lefty?  Right!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mysterious Ways

If you are on Facebook, you may have seen this app:  On this day, God wants you to know.

I don't always look at it and I rarely put much stock in it--until I get one like the one below.  Then I wonder if God is trying to get my attention.  I truly feel that the Lord tries to reach us through people and in different ways.  Who knows?  Maybe even Facebook can be one of those ways.

On this day, God wants you to know...
'... that it's time to let people see your inner beauty. It's time to let people know the real you. Be who you are, not who you think people want you to be. You are more beautiful on the inside than you realize, and you need to share that beauty with others. Be transparent, let your guard down, let people know the real you...'

You remember the old deodorant commercial that says "never let them see you sweat"?  My mantra is "never let them see the pain".  Or the fear or whatever.  One thing I've learned in life is to put up walls and be selective about who I let in.  I've been hurt and betrayed, as I'm sure all of you have.  It's hard to get past that after a while and be open and honest with everyone. 

Dare I try to be real?  Can you handle it?  Can I?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Follow Friday

Welcome to the 37th edition of the
Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I heart the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Vol 13

Who loves the Hodgepodge?  I do!  I do! 

vigorously waving hand and jumping up and down

Welcome to the weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge...if you're lurking why not join the party? 
1. What is more important-doing what you love or loving what you do? 
I think if you can do both, you've got it made.  But if I can only pick one, I choose doing what you love.  Even if you aren't successful, in the eyes of the world, you've succeeded in life.

2. Do you like bleu cheese?  

3. What is the most difficult emotion for you to handle?   
Is rejection an emotion?

4. Fresh flowers or a box of chocolate?  
Oh, please!  Have you met me?  Chocolate!  
How about chocolate in the shape of flowers?

5. What's a song you love that has the word 'love' in its title? It doesn't have to be a 'love song'. 
It's Your Love

6. Are you the person you wanted to be when you grew up?
Not even close

7. Any special Valentines Day plans?  
Nary a one. With my sweet husband, every day is Valentine's Day.  
All together now:  awwwww.....

8. Insert your own random thought here.  
I want to be a "meteorologist".  It's the only job I know of where you can consistently screw up and not get fired!  Case in point:  the prediction (good use of the word) for yesterday was a dusting of snow--we got 3 inches and other areas around us got 6-8!  School was canceled early, but not before the roads were slick.  Several buses got stuck or slid off the road--luckily no injuries! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Especially For Erika


1.  Did you watch the Superbowl?  Yes, under duress.  Not a fan of football--as most already know.

2.  What is the last book that you read?  Over the weekend, I read Deja Vu by Fern Michaels (she needs to stop with the Sisterhood series--it got old several books ago!) and The Walk by Richard Paul Evans (one of his better books, in my opinion).  Today I'm starting Glenn Beck's book The Overton Window.

3.  What is your favorite kind of cake?  Coconut--as made by my MIL.  She uses a real coconut--pokes holes in the cake while it's still warm and pours the coconut milk over it, then grates the coconut and mixes it with 7-minute frosting.  I could eat the whole thing!

4.  Do you snore?  I wouldn't be at all surprised, but what I don't know won't bother me.

5.  Do you play an instrument?  Took piano as a child, but didn't retain much.  Then started lessons a few years ago with my daughter Shana.  After she died, I just lost the desire. Maybe one day...

I didn't link up since I'm a day late.  I do still accept comments, however.  Yes, this means YOU!

Liar Liar

I was invited to join in a little fun game this week by the Empty Nester.  Thank you!  She and I have a lot in common.  Like four children who have had the audacity to grow up and go out on their own, leaving us with an empty nest.  And we both are married to sweet talking Southern men.  Make sure you take some time to pay her a visit!  Anyway (not anyways), the game goes like this: I have to list 5 things about myself, BUT only ONE of them is to be TRUE. Then I pass it on to five other bloggers. Here we go:

1.  Not long after Darrell and I were married, we visited Washington, DC.  While sightseeing around the Smithsonian, I was initiated by a pigeon.  In other words, my navy blue shirt was marked with a long white streak down the back.

2.  While riding the bus home in high school, I spotted a large spider near my foot.  I screamed, jumped up, and hit my head on the top of bus.  Result:  about 7 stitches.

3.  When I was about 3, my 4-year-old brother and I got mad about something and decided we would run away from home.  We started off down the street, but didn't get very far before we turned around to see our grandmother coming after us.  With a switch!  We made a beeline back to the house--for all the good it did us!

4.  While vacationing in Gatlinburg, Darrell and I decided to try out the large jacuzzi tub in the corner of the room.  And bubbles seemed like a good idea, too.  What to use?  Hmmm, here's the little bottle of shampoo--let's use that.  It's not making much suds--pour the whole thing in.  Now turn on the jets.   Turn them off!  Turn them off! 

5.  In high school, I was voted Biggest Flirt.  Thought it was cool at the time, but now I'm not so sure just what that said about me....

Okay, I'm supposed to pass this award on to 5 other bloggers.  But I'm breaking the rules--I'm such a rebel--and asking anyone who reads this to play along.  C'mon!  It's fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome Monday

I don't usually like Mondays.  After staying up late and sleeping in on the weekends, it's hard to get back in the groove.  But today I'm so glad the weekend is over.  It was not a good weekend at all.  And it was my doing.  I think it was Thursday night when I fell into the abyss of depression that routinely plagues me.  Feelings of uselessness.  Worthlessness.  Hopelessness.  And then anger.  Rage.  What do you "see" when you look inside yourself?  We have a friend who jokes about his "black heart".  He isn't serious and is actually a very gentle, caring man.  But when I look inside myself, I see nothing but black.  On occasion, it may be lighter, but still black.  Nothingness.  My husband has never met a stranger.  Cashier, waiter, person in the next seat at the movies, child at the store.  He has a warm smile and kind word for just about everyone.  We've talked about this often.  Once I said to him that when he meets someone, he just assumes they'll like him.  He laughed and answered "what's not to like".  I'm not like that.  In fact, just the opposite.  I don't expect to be liked.  Inside me is a little girl with clenched fists, a raised chin, and a wary look in her eyes.  She jumps in to protect me before a threat is even there.  And people sense that.  Maybe it comes across as shyness.  Maybe aloofness.  Perhaps even over-confidence.  Definitely negative.  I don't like negative people.  I certainly don't want to be one.  Negative Nancy.  Downer Debbie.  I don't want those labels.  But it's not a matter of simply changing one's attitude.  If it was, believe me, I'd be a totally different person!  I get annoyed at those who say snap out of it or put a positive spin on things.  It's not that easy.  That's like telling someone who's short to just grow taller.  Some things are out of our control.   Anyway, that's my rant for the day.  Hopefully, for the week.  I'm feeling better.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

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