1. Not long after Darrell and I were married, we visited Washington, DC. While sightseeing around the Smithsonian, I was initiated by a pigeon. In other words, my navy blue shirt was marked with a long white streak down the back. False--this happened to a friend of ours on the same trip
2. While riding the bus home in high school, I spotted a large spider near my foot. I screamed, jumped up, and hit my head on the top of bus. Result: about 7 stitches. False--this happened to my son (all but the spider part)
3. When I was about 3, my 4-year-old brother and I got mad about something and decided we would run away from home. We started off down the street, but didn't get very far before we turned around to see our grandmother coming after us. With a switch! We made a beeline back to the house--for all the good it did us! True!
4. While vacationing in Gatlinburg, Darrell and I decided to try out the large jacuzzi tub in the corner of the room. And bubbles seemed like a good idea, too. What to use? Hmmm, here's the little bottle of shampoo--let's use that. It's not making much suds--pour the whole thing in. Now turn on the jets. Turn them off! Turn them off! False--but this did happen on a trip to Gatlinburg, just to the friends we were traveling with and not us
5. In high school, I was voted Biggest Flirt. Thought it was cool at the time, but now I'm not so sure just what that said about me.... False--this was my husband! And he's still a big flirt!
That was fun! Keep this in mind when you're stumped for a blog post!

I don't know Beverly...maybe it's you we shouldn't travel with instead of me---pigeon poop, shampoo in the tub...LOL I really enjoyed this game!
I thought this was a hoot. You have some interesting friends though.
Loved the grandma and her switch. I'll bet you never thought about running away again.
What! Your not the biggest Flirt? Well, I for one am shocked and outraged :_) I like your post!
It IS fun!
Your friends/travel companions certainly have eventful vacations!
That was fun! There must be something about the birds in DC...that same thing happened to my BIL when we were up there once.
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