1. What makes you stand to your feet and cheer? Seeing my kids and grandkids pull into the driveway after too much time away!
2. What's your favorite patriotic song?
3. Do you believe that opposites attract? If you have a significant other are you opposites? Absolutely. Darrell and I are poles apart. But it works. He likes the edges of the brownies, I like the middle, etc.
4. You're going to get a behind the scenes look someplace...where would you like that someplace to be? The White House
5. How far would you have to travel to ride a carousel (merry-go-round)? Not even across the street. My vertigo doesn't mesh with carousels!
6. When was the last time you saw fireworks? What was the occasion? Do you enjoy fireworks? Last July 4th. And 5th. And 6th. People tend to hoard them and shoot them off for weeks before and after the 4th. It's nice, unless it's midnight.
7. Of all the 'beauty products' you own, what item do you consider to be the most overpriced? Moisturizer, hands down. But it's worth it because I can actually tell a difference. Plus it lasts a long time, so I only have to buy it a couple of times a year.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Darrell and I are traveling this weekend to see my birth mother. I'll also be seeing a half-brother and half-sister I haven't seen since I was 14! I'm excited, anxious, nervous...