First, health insurance/discount plan/whatever it's called. We are self-employed and health insurance rates are horrendous! Luckily, we are healthy (knock on wood) and only go for physicals. Since I am now past the mid-century mark, I decided to be a good little girl and get all those wonderful tests that are recommended for folks my age. Over the course of about 6 months, I had a physical, Pap, bone density test, mammogram, and colonoscopy. Have the bills stopped coming in yet? NO! Has the insurance company paid a dime? NO! Do the bills come from one source? NO! Can we determine if we're being overcharged or paying for something we shouldn't? NO! Could I have recarpeted the whole house for what we've paid so far? YES!
On the bright side: tests that should have come back negative did and those that should be positive are.
Second, Mother Nature. For at least five years, I've had symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, the works. Did you know you have to go a full year without a period before you're considered post menopausal? Mother Nature does! I went 9 1/2 months--then, voila! My friend Fred appears (that's what I call my monthly visitor). I hear laughter--and it's not mine. No, it's Fred and Mother Nature having a grand time at my expense! Personally, I think they've got a little sumpin sumpin going on on the side.
On the bright side: maybe I'm still young after all.
Last, movie prices. This past weekend, my two daughters, four of the grandchildren, and I went to the movies to see Tangled in 3D. A matinee. The cost? $74! I about dropped my teeth! We didn't get snacks or drinks--thank goodness! I might have needed to hock my engagement ring to pay for them.
On the bright side: Tangled is a cute movie and was enjoyed by all--even the two boys (ages 7 and 4). I highly recommend it--once it's out on DVD and you only need to spend about $20!
That's it. I'm done. Thanks for listening. Whew! I feel better!