It's that time of the week again! I was more or less out of commission last week with one thing or another, but promise to get back on track. Thanks for hanging in there.
1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?
1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?
ummm, yes. oh! did you want me to pick just one?
2. Do you read the newspaper daily?
no. our local paper is quite lame and filled with typos that drive my OCD prefectionism insane. once in a while, i look at the front page online. and read the letters to the editor. a few of the people in my town need to get a life.
3. Marinara or meat sauce?
meat sauce if it's on pasta. marinara if i'm just drinking it straight.
4. Last time you cried?
can't remember. though last night's repeat of a NCIS episode almost did me in.
5. What word/phrase do you find really annoying?
again, do i have to pick just one? how about "just saying"? though "proactive" can cause a facial tic--it reminds me of a previous boss who used it ad nauseum. i'm just saying....

Hi Beverly...I am returning the favor...I saw you sopped by TrulySimplyPink Anybody who is an NCIS fan is a friend of mine so I am going to follow you and I hope you follow back...although I do use the phrase I'm just sayin" once in a while...I hope you won't hold it against me...lol
"Electrolux" vs. "sucks"? Hilarious! NCIS rocks. We love Abby. Love your tiara and Queen Bee header. Thanks for stopping by for the MMonM hop. Will check out your friend's site. New follower. blessings on your day!
"drinking it straight" that was too funny.
Hi Beverly,
Meet your newest follower of The Beverly Buzz. Hope you'll swing by and visit me too. Company is always welcome at my place:)
I love watching NCIS! Abby would have to be one of my favourites :)
Have a great week!
I'm a new follower from the Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop. If you get a minute, please stop by and read my answers and follow back.
Have a super week,
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