Well, here we are again--Monday and the chance to learn more random things about yours truly. Are you keeping a little log of all these nifty tidbits? It might be worth something someday...
1. What is your favorite kind of fudge? Plain old chocolate--but it has to have pecans in it. No walnuts, peanuts, etc. Just chocolate and pecans. (And that's pronounced pa-caans)
2. Is there snow outside your window? A little--we got several inches the other day, but most of it is gone now.
3. What is your favorite meal of the day? The one I eat in a restaurant! Whatever time of day--if someone else is cooking it and cleaning it up, I'm a happy girl!
4. Do you text on your cell phone? No. I have an older phone with several letters on one button. Takes for. ev. er!
5. Waffles or pancakes? See #3. As long as I'm not fixing them....

Hi Beverly, I love your answer for number 3. Meals seem to taste better when you don't have to cook :)
Wish I'd thought of "Whichever one I'm not fixing." Great answer! got mine up: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/01/meet-me-on-monday-32.html
hey, it's not monday yet! ;) i'm down with the chocolate and pecans and not havin to cook. even a hot dog tstes better when someone else makes it. :) i'm waiting for your post on college!! :)
thanks for stopping by today.
Yes, I will agree to take the peanuts and you can have all the pa-caans you want. You say it the same was i do. it's not pee-can.
Just visiting via MMOM. Gosh I remember phones like that and the charging unit was huge too! Hope you have a lovely week, feel free to hop over and say hi.
Helen x
I hate to be the one to tell you but- your pronunciation of pecan is incorrect...that's pee-can. LOL
Enjoyed your responses!
Hi, stopping over and following on the MMOM blog hop. I used a cell phone picute just like yours. lol I hardly use my cell and so don't text, although my neice tries and tries to get me to. I also said dining out for a favorite meal option when ever I could. :) Have a fantastic week.
That fudge looks divine. I am with you on that one, lots of pecans.
Yep, favorite meal of the day is when someone else cooks and cleans up too.
I'm a "pa-caan" girl, too! No "pee-cans" for me!
Amazing how much better something tastes when someone else fixes it, huh?
I'm with you on eating out. Restaurants cook better than I do. Doylene
Hi Beverly,
Thank you, of course I would accept an award, but because I am still a little blog challenged, I don't see it! Thank you again I am so excited!!
#3 is hilarious!!! Me, too!
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