1. The season of Lent begins on March 9th this year...do you participate and if so, in what way? Aren't you supposed to give up something you really like for Lent? If that's the case, then, no, I don't participate.
2. Traditionally pancakes are eaten on the day known as Shrove Tuesday which is the last day before Lent (March 8th this year). So....butter and syrup? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? ewww, no thanks!! What's your pleasure when it comes to eating pancakes? When I was younger, I liked a little pancake with my syrup. Now I like plain old pancakes with plain old syrup. No flavors, no chocolate chips (ewww), no hot syrup. Just good old Mrs. Butterworth!
3. Spring is coming. (It is coming, right?) What's your favorite springtime flower and do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Two questions I know, but they're lightweights. I love buttercups and forsythia, because they are usually the first brave souls to show their pretty heads. That spot of yellow lets me know spring is indeed right around the corner. As for allergies, I'm fortunate not to have them, though I do get sinus infections more and more often these days.
4. "Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves." Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why? I agree. I've read that what we don't like in other people is actually something we don't like in ourselves, but don't acknowledge. So when you come across someone who does something that irritates you, take a good look in the mirror.
5. Since it's "March" and also the season of Mardi Gras....have you ever been in a parade? What's the best parade you've seen? I was a Homecoming Sweetheart in high school and got to ride in the Homecoming parade. The best parade I've seen was a couple of years ago when I took two of my grandchildren to our local Christmas parade. It was the first they were big enough to enjoy and enjoy they did! It was great to watch.
6. You would jump up and down and shout for joy right now if someone told you___________? You won the lottery! Since I don't buy tickets, that's highly unlikely. I'd also jump up and down if my son-in-law got a job nearby and three of my grandchildren lived here!
7. How clean is your car on the outside? Inside? Is there junk in your trunk? Outside is clean because I washed it just the other day. Inside doesn't get cleaned as often. It could use a good vacuuming and wiping down. As for the trunk, I'm still carrying Christmas flowers and decorations around from when I changed out the flowers on my daughter's grave.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I'm hosting a giveaway this week and hope you'll stop by and enter! You've got till 8am CST on Friday March 11. Here's a hint of what you can win:

I forgot I rode on a homecoming float my senior year in highschool...it wasn't much of a parade though.
I don't think I knew about your daughter and am sorry for your loss.
I commented twice somehow so I deleted one..Blogger is not cooperating today!!
Blogger is being a booger today ~ that kinda rhymes ;-)
I use to eat my pancakes with just butter on them. Now I throw some chocolate chips in when the mood strikes me. Regardless, I'm not much for syrup. But.....have you had the McGriddles at McDonalds?? I take it apart and only eat the pancake portion but they are awesome!!
Reading this reminds me I need to get the Mardi Gras wreath off my front door and take down all my inside MS decor. Up with the Easter deco now.
Ha! I answered #6 the same way...sort of.
So sorry about your daughter. Your answer to #4 is sooo true.
I love forsythias, I miss them and lilacs from my Illinois days growing up. Enjoyed reading your answers to the questions.
I'm stopping by from the Hodgepodge today. I enjoyed your answers today. You had a great answer for number 4!
Thanks for stopping by, it's always such fun to read everyone's answers.
I'm with you on the pancakes!
You did very well with #4, most of us struggled with it.
Going to register for you giveaway.
Hey, I forgot I rode in a Homecoming "parade" also. You would think I would have remembered since I was wearing a crown and all. :)
I'm with you on the pancakes!
Best wishes for your son-in-law to find a job close to you. Being with family is the best!
You are SPOT ON with #4.
Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday and will have a thoroughly marvelous Thursday!
Congrats on being the featured blogger at Follow Friday 40 and Over! I'm lucky that I never belonged to a church that required me to give something up for Lent. I much prefer just adding positive habits and activities to my life during Lent! Deb @ RaisingFigureSkaters.com
I am just catching up with Hodgepodge, better late than never.
I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter.
Homecoming Sweetheart..must have been quite an honor!
Take care and have a great weekend!
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