Here are the questions for this week's Hodgepodge...
1. Sunday was the first day of spring. So they say. Ahem. What is your favorite outdoor springtime activity? Finally being able to get out in the yard and dig in the dirt! Love doing that--especially when the temps are not n the 90s.
2. Who would you want to come into your kitchen to cook dinner for you? Paula Deen! She's a hoot and would be so much fun. Not to mention she doesn't skimp when it comes to butter.
4. What topic puts you to sleep faster than anything? Politics. Or maybe the end of the world.
5. Which flowers do you associate with specific people, places, or events? Tulips remind me of my youngest daughter. Mums make me remember homecoming dances. Lily of the Valley and pink roses were in my wedding bouquet. Forsythia reminds me of my friend Kris because she hates it--the color specifically. Creeping phlox and Sweet Pea vine make me think of my mother. Shall I go on?
6. What significant historical events took place during your elementary school days? Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. Man walked on the moon. Woodstock. Yep, I'm older than I like to think!
7. Do you swear? Do you pseudo-swear? (You know crap, shoot, friggin'?) Yes to the pseudo. Funny story--one time I used shazbot (which Mork used to use) and my husband was so shocked. He glanced at the children and then said "do you know what that means in German?" ETA: It doesn't mean anything in any language other than the made up one Mork used in Mork and Mindy.
8. Insert your own random thought here. This time next month I'll be surrounded by grandbabies!!

I am playing along and I am so excited for you to have your grandkids!! They truly are the best!
I'm older than I think too : ) I definitely realized it reading bloggers answers to #6 today!
Hey, what does it mean in German?!
Yikes, here I've been thinking it's a pretty lame word. Oooops. :)
I would like to taste Paula's cooking too!
:) Glad to see bloggers my age-answers to question #6 revealed this. I also remember watching man walk on the moon on a black/white television set.
I remember the moon walk- it was the summer after fifth grade.
I love Paula Deen! And butter....LOL
When you finally get it arranged to have Paula Deen cook for you,
you better give me fair warning so I can hop a flight to Tennessee.
I would even help you dig in the dirt as long as it isn't in the upper 80's or 90's.
Are all of your grandkids coming? How fun for you.
Mork from Ork? Too funny. Maybe I'll start saying Shazbot!
Yeah - I think I would love to spend an evening with Paula Dean - she's a hoot!
btw - we're not old, we're just experienced!
I was hoping for a giveaway for the cooking question! Don't you just love Paula?
Lots of people said Paula today. I don't watch the food shows much. I think you should try flying a kite sometime, it's fun. I said politics! I was just out of HS when they walked on the moon. I am so jealous, enjoy your grandbabies.
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