1. April rolls in at the end of this week and in celebration of that infamous date (April 1st) answer this question-What is something foolish you've done? Oh, good grief--just one? How about trading in our 4-door sedan for a pickup truck when I was pregnant with our second child? One bench seat is not enough room for 2 adults and 2 carseats! And that was our only vehicle for a time.
2. With April comes Easter and that classic edible treat known as Peeps...so tell me...what's your favorite way to fix/eat chicken? That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? I 'fooled' you. teehee. I love those barbequed chicken chunks at Walmart. Sometimes I get some and eat them as I shop, then pay for the empty container.
3. What's the best museum you've ever visited? Or your favorite? Or the one you'd most like to visit? The Smithsonian. Still haven't been through the total of it, so would like to go back.
4. You know what they say about April showers...what's your preference-a shower or a bath? Shower--I get too cold in a bath.
5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...fact or fiction? Why? Depends on who it is--LOL. With people I love, definitely fact.
6. What's your favorite product made/grown in your home state/province? Corn! On the cob, fried, creamed, love me some corn!
7. What is going on in the world today that affects you the most? Prices going up and up--and up.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I don't think I have one.

I'm right there with you on the bath vs shower. I also find that the hot water pelting on my neck is soothing.
I've never seen the bbq chicken chunks...I'm not in Walmart very often though. I'll have to look for them next time I go.
I cannot wait for summer corn!!
I love your pictures! That monkey cracks me up. And I totally hear you on the shower deal. I don't like to be cold. Also, I'm going to have to try those BBQ Chicken Chunks. Though, that might be a trend I shouldn't start. I'm sure my scale would not appreciate me finding yet another snack!
I've never seen the barbeque chicken chuncks either. But they definetly look good.
I prefer showers too. And I liked this blackened chicken that I make and put in a salad- Yum! Enjoyed reading your responses!
I am sooooo jealous that you've been to the Smithsonian! I'm not much of a traveler but that is one place I really want to go before I'm unable to do so!
I completely identify with the car thing. My husband bought a 64 Mustang when I was pregnant with our son. It had no power steering or power windows. It was May. I was miserable.
Enough said. :D
blank???? no way! ;)
i'm not a bather either, like to keep turning the heat on the shower up and up like those prices. have a great day, beverly!!!
How many times have we done what you did-eat and pay for the empty container-forgot all about that!!
Ditto #7
The Smithsonian was my choice too. Wonderful!
I so much want to go to the Smithsonian. Yes the truck does sound like a big mistake! I'll have to check those chicken bites out the next time I'm at Walmart.
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