My brain has been working overtime lately, which in itself is a scary thought. Here are a few things going through my mind....
Did you know clear fingernail polish will get rid of warts? It's true. I promise!
I'm starting to have hot flashes at night again. Less severe and not as long lasting, but still. I thought I was done with these things. Where were they this winter when I was freezing??
Since I'm waking up during the night for one reason or another, I've noticed something else. Every time I wake up, there's a song running through my head. A different song every night, but the same song each time the same night. Does anyone else do that? Please say yes.
Isn't it interesting how random things remind us of certain people? When I see a hair in the bathroom sink, I remember my favorite aunt. She couldn't brush her teeth if there was a hair in the sink--she was afraid it would wind up in her mouth. When I see a dead skunk in the middle of the road (good song!), I'm reminded of my daughter Shana. She called them "stunks" and whenever we passed one that was quite aromatic, she'd say "that stunk stinks". When I see watermelon dishes, I think of my friend who collects them. Play the song "Dizzy" and I'm about 11 years old again, riding in the back of a pick up truck with my cousins singing at the top of our lungs. Tulips, crinolines, Heath bars, Wind Song, chicken pot pies, chocolate covered cherries, the ice cream truck's music--all these things make me think of specific people. How about you? What reminds you of someone?

Hmmmmm, that is a good question. I will have to think about that.
I have something for you over at my blog.
songs. I can hear a song and I'm back in the past. I even made a soundtrack CD. Spin Doctors' Two Princes and I'm back to being 13
Not sure this is the right response BUT I'm SO EXCITED that someone else is waking up with the songs!!!!!!!! It's been going on since, I think, November. I know what you mean about random things reminding you of people. No hot flashes yet. Dreading them though.
hospital soap....i love to smell it on my hands until it wears off after visiting someone there. takes me back to having my babies. kinda strange, i know, but i love the smell of hospital soap! :)
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