Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am thankful for being able to work from home. That may not last much longer, but I'm enjoying it for the time being. I worked before I had children and went back to work after they were all in school. Then in 1999, Darrell and I talked and decided we could make it on his salary alone. I was ready to leave what I was doing--I had gone about as far as I could with that company. So for the past 9 1/2 years, I've been doing Darrell's books and billing. My time is my own for the most part. I can work out, read, garden, etc. at my leisure--as long as I keep up with the invoicing and other bookkeeping. With the economy the way it is, I'm considering returning to the work force. I've applied with the local school system and am hoping to get on as an administrative assistant. The biggest bonus will be the health insurance. Wish me luck (I think).


Holly said...

Good luck in whatever you decide to do. It has to be hard returning o work after years away. I won't know what to do if I return to work.

I am sure you will do great in whatever job you get.

liz said...

They will be lucky to have you, Darling! Hopefully the atmosphere there will be as happy as the school i work in. Our office is a happy place to be....good luck!

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